Additional Support For Our Learners
At our school, we are committed to providing a broad, balanced, and differentiated curriculum that meets the diverse learning needs of all students. We foster an inclusive environment that embraces cultural diversity and celebrates individual differences.
Our dedicated inclusion team works collaboratively in the classrooms to provide appropriate support and interventions.
To meet the diverse needs of our students, we utilise a multi-tiered system of support to provide differentiated instruction, targeted interventions, and resources. This approach enables us to recognize and nurture each student's unique strengths and areas for development. Support is provided in classrooms or dedicated learning spaces, in small group settings or on an individual basis, ensuring that all learners can access a comprehensive and engaging curriculum.
Over and above school-based provision, we provide access to specialised services such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and social-emotional counselling which can be provided in school time on a user-pay model.
We believe that strong partnerships with parents are essential to student success and actively encourage open communication and collaboration. Our goal is to inspire all students to reach their full potential.